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Fab Four Coffee, founded by former Welsh rugby players James Hook, Lee Byrne, and Shane Williams, started as a passion for coffee before leading to a business opportunity. Prior to Fab Four Coffee, the Wales and British & Irish Lions players spent almost all of their time together, so when the day came to go their separate ways, they knew they had to find a way to still work together, and that is when Fab Four Coffee was born…

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Fab Four Coffee, founded by former Welsh rugby players James Hook, Lee Byrne, and Shane Williams, started as a passion for coffee before leading to a business opportunity. Prior to Fab Four Coffee, the Wales and British & Irish Lions players spent almost all of their time together, so when the day came to go their separate ways, they knew they had to find a way to still work together, and that is when Fab Four Coffee was born…


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Pour Over

Pour-over coffee is a straightforward and satisfying method for brewing coffee at home. With minimal equipment required, it’s an excellent choice for coffee lovers looking for a hassle-free way to enjoy a fresh cup. Here’s how to do it:

Ingredients and Equipment:

Freshly roasted coffee beans – Pour-over cone or dripper – Paper coffee filter – Kettle – Coffee grinder (optional but recommended)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Boil Water:

Start by boiling water. Once it reaches a rolling boil, remove it from the heat source and let it cool for about 30 seconds. The ideal temperature is around 200°F (93°C).

2. Prepare the Filter:

Place a paper coffee filter into your pour-over cone or dripper. Rinse it with a bit of hot water to remove any paper taste and to preheat the cone. Discard the rinse water.

3. Measure and Grind Coffee:

Measure your coffee beans. A standard ratio is about 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of water, but adjust to your taste preference. If you have a coffee grinder, grind the beans to a medium-coarse consistency, similar to sea salt.

4. Add Coffee Grounds:

Put the ground coffee into the rinsed filter, creating an even bed of coffee.

5. Begin Pouring:

Place your pour-over cone or dripper over your coffee cup or carafe. Start pouring hot water over the coffee grounds, beginning in the center and spiraling outwards. Pour slowly and steadily, ensuring all the coffee is evenly saturated. Pause occasionally to allow the coffee to bloom, releasing its flavors. Continue pouring until you’ve reached your desired coffee volume.

6. Enjoy:

Remove the pour-over cone, and you’re left with a fresh and aromatic cup of coffee. Sip and savor the rich flavors you’ve brewed right at home. Adjust the coffee-to-water ratio and pouring technique to suit your taste, and you’ll soon become a pour-over coffee pro!